Why us? How to learn to speak Spanish quickly?

Why learning Spanish at our online courses?

Hola, Bienvenido  to AnasClassroom, the site where you can learn in our online courses to speak Spanish quickly and where learning Spanish with us is  an enriched and enjoyable experience aimed at the long term retention of the language


  • At our online Spanish courses you will have your personal tutor from whom you will receive instant feedback.
  • Your attention will be fully engaged in learning to speak Spanish as you will communicate directly with your tutor.
  • You will be totally focused, your motivation high and you will learn faster.
  • No more frustrations.
  • Together we aim to get you ready for  your next trip to Spain when your confidence will be up as you will feel able to start and carry on in a conversation in Spanish with the native spanishers . 
  • You will become bilingual and In the long term your job and career prospects here in the UK will improve 

Hola  name is Ana and I am the founder of AnasClassroom™ and in my experience as a seasoned Spanish teacher and teaching program developer, I have found six recurrent factors as to why many students found their learning of Spanish not to be a positive and effective experience as they would have expected..

1) A lack of time dedicated to learning the language or for revision. This can also be due to a lack of motivation to keep yourself committed on the right track in order to enjoy long term retention.

2) A lack of purpose for sustainable efforts and devotion to cultivate the language.

3) A lack of study skills

4) A lack of proper resources and teaching materials

5) The school and teaching methods are not designed to encourage conversations and speaking skills 

6) There are simply too many students in the classroom

All the above points are addressed at our online Spanish lessons at  AnasClassroom™. Where we  will help you to learn conversational Spanish easily and in no time